Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Random Address

I just have a few words to say to several random people encountered since yesterday...

To the guy who asked me if I "like Mexicans" and then complemented the color of my... skin. Please admire the skin on my FACE. Or don't wonder why I'm not jumping up and down at the chance to dance a second song with you. If you want to stare at people's... skin... in other areas, go to a club! If you came to a Salsa PRACTICA, behave like a responsible Salsero and stop making women feel uncomfortable with your questions and your eyes.

To the bicyclists riding to work. You are NOT a car! You might THINK that you are, but really, please do stick to the designated area designed just for you on the SIDE of the street. Traffic downtown is pretty bad as is. Cycle in YOU. And we have to try and get around without hitting the car next to us. You might wonder why on earth we would want to pass you. But here's the news: you aren't as fast as you think! Going green is wonderful and all, but until ALL of us are riding bikes on the roads please display your greenness in the BIKE LANE. (Title speak to you at all?! No? They drew a picture for ya. Look down once in a while.)

To the wonderful starbucks people who make my coffee in the morning just right: Thank you!

To Inna. You're as good as it gets! Who else can I call in the middle of the night and ask if I can crash at their place just because I'm too tired to drive home? You're appreciated girl.

It's funny how it takes paragraphs to vent and only a couple sentences to say something good to someone... You'd think it would be the other way around. I'll be working on that.



  1. hhahaha i was just talkin about the whole bike situation today with olga. SO ANNOYING! LOL
