Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Living in Seattle -- a lot of randomness and nothing in particular.

Something occurred to me on the bus this morning. The only people qualified to write about cities are those who don't live there. Because the dwellers of the city aren't as fascinated by it as those who want to move there. Maybe it's the mentality of wanting what you don't have and not valuing what you do. But since I've moved to Seattle, all I do is go home after work. Am I exploring the city like I thought I would when I move and have 'more time?' Not so much.

But of course, it might be because the exploration money I had before is now all being used up for Rent. This said, I should technically be writing a lot of posts entitled "free things to do in Seattle." But since I'm not being forced to look for them, I'm not finding them. A post I've had in the works for a while are "places with great views." But all work on that piece of literature ceased once I moved into my one-bedroom. Because the most spectacular view ever is right out of my window. Oh the laziness of man...

Maybe I'm just going through a change of values and routines though. After all, before, I knew enough about things to give helpful advice. Right now I don't know enough about anything, pretty much. I've exhausted my stories about apartment hunting and retail therapy. But I don't know jack about grocery shopping and bill juggling yet. People have mentioned that they feel they are reading about a celebrity when they are on my blog. I don't see how. Right now my life is pretty boring. Work-home-cook-sleep. Maybe rollerblade and go Salsa dancing. But lately it's been sleep. Maybe I'm sick.

Wow, this is an unusual post since it really doesn't have a point. It just proves that I can ramble on forever if I had to. Let's just say this was practice for "stream of consciousness." But I'll also say that while writing it I got a few excellent ideas for future posts. In this sense, it was worth it for me, as boring as it must have been to read this for you. Oh well. It's my blog :)

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