Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I was "inspired" to write about this on Sunday, but hesitated because I already posted that day. I guess I should have, because yesterday I was too exhausted to write anything at all. Interestingly enough, I still have the same topic on my mind today. In the past, I'd think of something, but would end up writing about an entirely different thing the next day. I guess somebody really needs to read this though. So here goes.

On my way back from Mars Hill church (great sermons! check them out at http://www.marshillchurch.org/) I had the urge all of a sudden to turn off music in my car and just have a quiet moment to look around, and notice the sky (note to those who don't know me: music is NEVER off when I'm driving). When I looked up, there was a rainbow -- always reminding me of God's love for people. But even though it was encouraging to see, the rainbow did not catch my attention. What held my gaze was the ugly yellowish color of the storm cloud, with yellow puffy little clouds on top. I wondered why God would choose that particular moment for me to look up. There was nothing beautiful about the sky above. I paid no attention to the sunlight all around me, until I realized that I am driving head first into a storm.

And everything was gone. The sky became one big black blob, and the rain poured so hard that I couldn't see the stoplights of the car in front of me. This went on for about twenty minutes. Nothing but loud, heavy rain beating on my car and completely blocking my view. I'm not usually scared to drive in the rain, but I slowed down significantly and said a quick prayer for protection. (Nothing happened by the way so don't expect a miracle accident story.) I guess it was overwhelming that the rain came so sudden and strong.

Just when I thought I couldn't take anymore of driving in such conditions, the storm suddenly stopped and ahead of me I saw a glimpse of beautiful, clear, blue sky. The clouds were nothing like the ones I left behind. The colors were vibrant and cheerful. Although I couldn't see it yet, I could tell that the sun was shining out there. And this time I really noticed all the corners of the sky that had its' rays reflecting on it! While the rain drops got further and further apart, I kept thinking about the analogy that I could draw from this picture. I thought about how in order to appreciate the sun and see the beautiful clouds you have to drive through a storm. That that's how it is in life sometimes. But right when I actually saw the sun and was about to drive out into the open sky the freeway turned, and in front of me I found the endless storm cloud again.

In order to get to a clear sky you got to keep driving in that direction. If you veer off even a little bit you will drive into the cloud again. If you go back, you will hit the storm. And even though there is sunshine on the side you originally came from, the sky is still the murky sickly yellow grey color. To get to the vibrant blue sky and appreciate the sun you have to keep going straight.

I am no philosopher. I don't have deep insights and analogies to offer at the end of my story. All I know is that for some reason, for some person, I had to share this. Whoever you are, I hope it helps and I hope you draw the right conclusions and applications from my little weather experience.

Oh, and if you don't like the weather in Seattle.... wait twenty minutes :)

1 comment:

  1. wow... you really are my twin... you have no idea :) xoxo
