Friday, June 26, 2009

Writers' Block

I have officially hit writers' block. And I never thought I'd say that :) Lucky for me, a little pre-planning got me a list of potential things that I'd want to write about eventually. The problem: none of them seem appealing at the moment. So if this post seems forced and unnatural, it's because it is. I guess I will just start a tradition of posting lists once in a while, and start with a list of things I'm currently bummed about.

1. Inna is not calling me back with her work schedule. I was going to have a mini-birthday party tonight at her place. Can't let anyone know until she gets back to me and it's already 1pm.

2. Even if Inna gets back to me, the GayPride parade and events are closing off all the streets around Halo. So we probably won't have anywhere to park.

3. If I cancel my mini-party that means I wasted 1/4 a tank of Gas driving to Seattle today.

4. I'm officially jealous. Of my parents. Because their tickets to Latvia have nice seats that they got to choose, fly directly through Copenhagen, have extra leg room, include 2 pieces of luggage each, are fully refundable, and the flight is 13 hours long. The airline will choose my seats, I'm flying through Chicago and Warsaw (not to anyone flying international: Do NOT fly through Chicago!), my flight will be 19 hours and all I will take is a carry on. And my ticket cost $100 more than theirs and aren't refundable.

5. I miss some of my old friends. Very old. And I'm pretty sure that I've lost all their contact information except MySpace, which it looks like they've last checked on April 11. So talking to them is probably not happening for a while...

6. I'm realizing that Salsa is hard! I wish I could go back to the time when I didn't think about anything and just danced. I swear I danced better back then!

7. I can't wait to have a career that I want, yet am completely unmotivated to work towards it.

8. My cell phone sucks. It needs to die.

9. I feel like I'm a complainer and project the wrong image to the world :)

10. I have writer's block.

1 comment:

  1. You're cute!

    #6 - knowing the truth frees you to function in it :) Once your heart and mind settle on the relationship God wants you to have with salsa, it will be easy again :)

    #8 - is that why I haven't heard from you?

    #9 - you're ok :) You're only human...

    #10 - apparently you don't :P
