Wednesday, July 1, 2009

20 for R71

I'm sure that this post will make my blog unpopular and controversial. I definitely didn't mean it to be like that when I started writing, but there are certain issues I cannot stay quiet about. So here comes my serious theological voice.

Not sure what my views are on separation of church and state, but my church passed out R71's last Sunday. (Referendum that reverses the legislative decision to pass a law that effectively makes same-sex marriages legal.) Despite my hesitation on the topic of church/state separation, my views on preserving marriage as a union between one man and one woman are pretty set. So I grabbed one for myself to sign and figured I'd pass it around to the Christians I know who would stand up for this cause. To my utter surprise, I soon realized that I do not know 20 Christians, who are registered to vote, and wouldn't be afraid to sign such a petition. But I wanted to prove myself wrong.

Those who know me will vouch that I am no political activist. I'm actually a pretty solid introvert who is afraid to talk to people. And although I hide it well, unless they are with long-term proven-themselves-over-the-years i-grew-up-with-them friends, most conversations take tremendous efforts for me to start or continue. You can only imagine what it took me to approach people outside of church, in a workplace that just passed a decision to officially support that legislation.

Why would I put myself through the trouble of approaching people outside of church? You tell me my fellow church members. Right now I am not talking to those who aren't eligible to vote yet, or to those who don't attend a Slavic primarily immigrant filled church. (Or to those who already signed the R71 or are not signing because they are against it.) But the rest of you... You think you are so righteous and correct in your legalistic traditionalism. You preach pretty words from the pulpit to a crowd of people who are happy to agree with you at a moments' notice. (How brave of you.) But in your five, ten, fifteen, twenty-five years in the United States you haven't bothered to become a citizen, or worse yet - register to vote, which takes about 5 seconds online! Actions speak louder than words. Take the time to do something that can actually change the way things run in the country that is now your home! Especially my generation -- there is no excuse. But also Pastors and Deacons -- what kind of an example are you setting to the youth in church if you are too lazy to practice what you preach? LITERALLY!!! Instead of not finding 20 people... I didn't find ONE who would sign the petition. It's a shame, really.

So now I'm fighting my fears and approaching the people at work who I think might sign this referendum. It's as scary as it gets for me. Every person on my mental list is a battle, but I'm fighting my anxiety and approaching them, one by one. So far only one hasn't signed. I'm still determined to prove myself wrong and find twenty Christians, who are registered to vote, and will not be afraid to sign the R71 sitting on my desk.

Let me know if you are one of them. The deadline for submitting this Referendum is July 22nd.

1 comment:

  1. wow sweety, I'm SO proud of you!!! So many times we are so afraid to "offend" someone that we can't stand up for what we believe in. Shame on us! We must be a voice :)
